Here’s a first… a Star Wars post here.
So, really should be doing something much more important, but whist watching my daily dose of the Fandom Menace roundup, this dawned upon me.
If the spoilers are correct, and Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker rumors are true… and said, spoilers from here on out, so it’s your call… if the spoiler that Ray meeting her demise during a final battle, and Kylo Ren giving her his lifeforce through a kiss that resurrects her, well then what we end up with is just a age old Disney trope of man saving woman. If so then that totally collides with everything that Kathleen Kennedy has been claiming for the last years that “the force is female” because what is less female than a male savior?
The Kylo/Ray kiss of life simmers down to Snow White being brought back to life by Prince Charming, it’s Sleeping Beauty being brought back to life by Prince Charming, it’s Rey being brought back to life by Kylo Ren.
It’s an appalling way to bring back Rey, and it’s a totally ass way to redeem Kylo by him offering up his life for Rey after the immensely abusive relationship they have been holding on to – fight-fight-chase-chase-fight-fight, spit and hate, spit and hate… ad verbatim. It all comes crashing down in a soggy mess as Disney falls into the oft debated “male savior” and “kiss of life” trope that in all honesty doesn’t make sense in a universe governed by “force is female” and a character (Rey) that without any training has been able to pull off fates of force in one moment that other force characters had to learn through three movie story arcs…
Despite the story being set in a galaxy far far away, a long long time ago, gender issues that have been told to be force strong turned out to be… meh, the same old gender play that Disney has been pushing for all eternity.
Go figure.