Directed by: Greg McLean,
Horror / Thriller, 99min
Distributed by: Scandbox Entertainment
Liz [Cassandra Maggrath] and Kristy[Kestie Earl], two English women are on holiday in
OK, claiming to be the scariest movie in 25 years is a pretty bold statement for a fairly average horror movie. Don’t get me wrong the movie is effective. It’s dark, grim, evil and some what disturbing, but the Quentin Tarantino quote on the cover claiming it to be “one of the scariest movies in 25 years”? Come on, the magic words “last wild party before the journey home” already tells genre fans that the shit is going to hit the fan pretty soon.
The violence is effective, but this is where my problem with the movie gets started. The attempt to shock us by having the lead character suddenly is the first to die a violent death has been done so many times that it’s just not effective anymore. Just like Eli Roth’s Hostel 2005 the lead character’s shock death is somewhat played down. Two fast edits and the scene is over, almost as if the director wants to let his leads off easily. But come on, when Mick tells Liz that he’s going to make her a “head on a stick” as he severs her spine, I know that her time is up, and it’s not shocking to me or other fans of the genre at all. Ok I do admit to being more engaged in Liz’s fate than the others as her character has the best evolution in the movie from quiet and passive to loud and aggressive, I’m sort of saddened that Liz doesn’t make it out and it is a nasty scene, but I’ve seen this kind of stuff too many times to be affected by it. If Mick had pulled out her spinal cord and beat one of the others to death with her head still attached to her spine, now that would have shocked me. That would have been going too far even I would have reacted to that and then it would have had an impact. Then there’s the quick fix at the end. Ben just gets up and goes… I can’t help but feel that something is missing here; there must have been a better way to end this movie than like this. A few fast scenes and then a text ending letting us know that Ben was the police's prime suspect before cutting to a stupid fade-away of Mick walking into the sunset... cheesy to say the least. Nope, I was hoping for so much more from this movie, and can’t help feeling disappointed after watching it. I can appreciate what
1.85:1 Anamorphic Widescreen. Like I mentioned earlier, the movie looks great. Wonderful colours, great camera work and amazing landscapes. This edition has removable subtitles in Swedish Danish, Norwegian and Finnish.
Two soundtrack options are available, dts 5.1 or Dolby Digital 5.1
This double disc edition has a lot of extras that are interesting and informative enough to keep me watching them. Disc #1 has a commentary track with director McLean, co-producer Matt Hearn, and lead actresses Cassandra Magrath and Kestie Morassi. A bunch of sneak peek trailers of movies outside the horror genre including a fucking Steven Segal movie, and three completely unrelated and annoying cinema trailers for Bruce Willis actioneer 16Blocks, football comedy She’s the man and Robert Altman’s Prairie Home Companion making me wonder who the hell the target audience for this double disc edition is? Finally there is the original trailer for
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