Directed by: Mike Flanagan
USA, 2011
Horror, 87min
Distributed by: Second Sight
Trisha [Courtney Bell] is still somewhat in limbo since her
husband Daniel [Morgan Peter Brown] went missing some time ago. Her sister
Callie [Katie Parker] comes to stay for a few days, and together they help to
have Daniel declared “Dead in Absentia”. This is when Trisha starts to have
nightmarish visions of her dead husband, and Callie encounters a strange man
inside a nearby tunnel who asks her to “trade…”

It’s an understatement to say that independent filmmaker, writer, director, editor
Mike Flanagan has created a great movie. A movie that seeps into the mind of
the audience, playing tricks on them through some impressive storytelling and well
disposed manipulations. Low-key effects and cunning camera deception make it a
sublime haunting. It’s the kind of movie that makes me drool mentally, and
going back to check details, I ended up being drawn in once more whilst still
having a great time watching the movie all over again.
Movies that want to take their audience on a dark haunting journey
need to set up values and familiarity before plunging into a world of horror.
Yes, I’m once again talking about setting up the ordinary world. Returning
readers will know that this is what I consider a vital cornerstone to all good horror
movies. Sell me the real world, make me believe that what you want to show me,
and I’ll follow you anywhere. The set up of Absentia is phenomenal, I’m drawn
in by the characters, discover their vulnerability, watch them struggle with
everyday haunts, empathise with them as I learn their human traits, before the
horrors are unleashed, and I realize that the transition from ordinary world
into the supernatural realm has been a flawless one.
Four key ingredients are presented in the opening minutes of
Absentia. The exterior of the tunnel where the title card is placed and moments
later, it’s cobwebby interior. Trisha is out re-posting the “missing” flyers
featuring Daniel’s face. When she gets back home, her sister Callie has arrived
for a visit, earlier than intended. A brief chat later, and we have some kind
of insight into the ordinary world that these characters live in. The pregnant
Trisha is seeking some kind of closure from the disappearance of her husband
Daniel, and Callie is a restless soul. One can feel somewhat of an animosity
between the two, which will sit there brooding until later on in the movie.
Dialogue between the two women explores their relationship
further, and we understand that Callie has been in and out of rehab for drug
and drinking related problems, Callie obviously had no idea Trisha was
pregnant. It’s been six years since the last met, and not only do they have a
spontaneous relationship with each other, they obviously have a somewhat blemished
relationship with their mother too. It’s more or less the same problems both
you and I deal with on a regular basis, family beefs, internal struggles and
toils of life. Now we not only have an insight into their world, but we now
also know the “flaws” that make them human and believable too.
Releasing scares upon an audience is a moment that can make
or break a movie. You can either start to build, with strings and cues, letting
the audience in on the game and have them wind themselves’ up, or you can
simply let the shocks rip through and have them stand on their own. I’ve noticed
a trend of “when you see it, it fucks you up” aesthetics similar to those of
the J-horror used when that broke internationally. Moments when the camera
hangs in a scene and you expect some kind of cue proclaiming the antagonist
pounce, but instead it turns out that the “antagonist” is already in frame,
which gives a hell of a freaky scare when you see it already there and caught
you with your guard down. This is how Flanagan builds his tense atmosphere, by
slowly bringing us in to the realm, and then unleashing the horror on us. Yes,
there are classic jump scares that will keep you on edge, but also a lot of
assault shocks, with no builds, no cues, just wham! It will grind you down,
because it get’s intense, but there’s also a hidden agenda behind this cunning
With that said, I should point out that the ghost of Daniel
first makes an appearance after the two sisters together burn the remaining “missing”
posters. When Trisha takes that final step towards being free from her past
with Daniel, the guilt that comes with it ignites the nightmares. It’s guilt
that starts messing with her mind. Again, a key ingredient to innovative
horror, guilt, and I love that Flanagan even has a scene where Trisha’s
psychologist makes a point of the nightmares being a result of her guilt…
Here a fascinating thing happens, the jump-scares become
part of the world Trisha is in. Where one commonly would expect a jump-scare
and key shocks the ghost is merely reduced to a figment of Trisha’s imagination
- her guilt - and therefore he makes no threat to her. The ghost can be in the
scene with Trisha and other, but poses no threat. This is a beguiling display
of how one can bring things in from a supernatural world and make them part of
the natural one if you make the transition a reasonable one.
Then comes a fine twist to Absentia, where Trisha comes to
insight and reason with the ghost she sees, Callie is confronted by ghosts of
her own. During one of her daily runs, she encounters a man [Doug Jones] grey
and worn out by exhaustion, in the tunnel from the opening titles. Although
this man is obviously not a ghost, he’s something completely else, and he asks
her to “trade”. It set’s off a whole parallel storyline that runs next to
Trisha’s own experiences. Focus is somewhat shifted and Callie takes on a
larger part in the narrative.
At times I talk of something called the contrast frame, and
it goes something along the lines of presenting two options where one be more
absurd than then next which helps sell the original one. One of the best
examples is found in John Carpenter’s The Thing 1982, where MacReady after
seeing the space craft theorises “ So it crashes, and this guy, whoever he is,
gets thrown out, or walks out, and ends up freezing.”. Childs jumps right in declaring
it’s all “voodoo bullshit” before Palmer goes off on a stoned rant about extra
terrestrials all ready here, that they “taught the Incas everything they knew”
and even goes so far as claiming the president is an alien… hence giving the
result that we buy into MacReadys suggestion no matter how absurd it may seem,
because the president couldn’t be an alien, could he?
I find traces of a variant of the contrast frame in
Absentia. We have an explanation for the ghost Trisha sees, but none for the
one Callie encounters. With no other explanation except whatever we have
imagined ourselves, and the lack of answering the question of what the mystery
with the tunnel is or what resides there we go for the closest most reasonable
answer, which leads us to accept the theory Callie has presented. All the
research she does leads to a shocking insight, hence the abundance of “Missing”
posters, both human and pets all around the neighbourhood outside the tunnel.
But don’t get your hopes up for a conventional closure to the mystery here,
because there are still some hefty twists to come.
Remember that I mentioned an animosity sensed between the
sisters in their meeting at the beginning of the movie? Well that comes back to
the story when Callie’s “junkie” backstory is spilled wide open to create
sceptic character of Trisha. My jaw hit the floor at this point! Because it’s
outstanding to bring a sceptic character this far into the narrative, especially
one who we would presume to rally up behind Callie and support her theory. As Trisha
has been seeing “ghosts” of her own, one would think her to believe her sister’s
story, or at least be more open minded about Callie’s tale. Instead she choses
not to, and blames it all on drugs. Callie’s backstory and history with substance
abuse is brought into light and now empathise even further with her. The emotional
recognition of what Callie is experiencing – not being believed despite being
right - is where we connect. Now we really want Callie to expose what the mystery
with the tunnel is all about, at any costs, reveal it, solve it, save the day.
There’s an interesting subplot with Detective Ryan Mallory
[Dave Levine], who is important to the narrative on more than one way. His
importance to the story also puts a spin on themes already discussed.
Editing is flawless, time is valuable when it comes to
movies, and crap pacing can wreck everything. It’s to an advantage to loose
everything one doesn’t need. Without spoiling anything, you can find a solid
example of this in the scene where Trisha talks face to face to Daniel’s
parents. Timing, acting, deliverance and editing all come together in a perfect
crescendo and the result is heart breaking – one can feel the tension, despair
and anguish in that room.
Ryan David Leack’s score! Damn I like that
score, it set’s a tone which more or less opens an expressway to your heart and
soul, and when it’s prepared that road, it starts vibrating with a sinister
vibe. It really suits the movie, and this is one of the perks of independent
filmmakers, they frequently hook up with composers and musicians burning with
the same passion for their craft as they are, and together they become a strong
force to rely on.
I could probably use Absentia in my everyday storytelling
examples because this is one hell of a well-crafted movie that deserves every
piece of attention it gets. Do not be fooled by reviews that didn’t see the
magnificence of this piece. This is an
impressive movie, and Mike Flanagan is from now on a name that I’ll be keeping
tags on.
I’m not going to mention that Absentia is shot on a pretty
small budget, and financed partially through a kickstarter programme, because
it never really comes off as a low budget movie. The acting is grand, Katie
Parker and Morgan Peter Brown both give great performances as tormented souls,
and its neat to see Doug Jones in a small part and out of special effects
makeup and suits. Courtney Bell’s real pregnancy is wonderful and brings a
whole new level of vulnerability to her character, and thank god she’s really
pregnant, because there’s something about the way women move when they are
pregnant that no one ever get’s down in the right way.
Taking a “What if” cue from the old Norwegian fairy tale De
tre bukken Bruse (Three Billy Goats Gruff) written by Peter Christen Asbjørnsen
and Jørgen Moe in the late 1800’s, there’s a brooding despair that grows within
this movie, a slow moving nightmare that slowly seeps into our world and into
our consciousness. I’d also like to connect this film with the writing of H.P.
Lovecraft, as the way Flanagan uses things that lurk in the dark, glimpses
in the corners of the eye and things that move between dimensions, reminds me
of the same rhetoric that Lovecraft used to describe his ancient ones. Needless
to say I loved every minute of Absentia, and I'm already looking forward to the next time I watch it, and that's without me getting into the symbolism and small details I've found so far. From gloomy drama, the movie shifts into dark
urban fairy tale that keeps throwing unexpected twists at its audience all the
time. There are some really haunting moments in Absentia and films that take an
unexpected path are rare things these days. It that scared the crap out of me,
totally took me captive in its narrative, and left me with strong emotions as
the end credits hit the screen.
Absentia is certainly one of the best indie genre movies
I’ve seen this year. Genuinely creepy, it simply knocked me down. I fell for all the classic
tricks and was captivated by the new ones; as far as I’m concerned this is an
innovative future masterpiece of contemporary horror. In the years to come,
people will seek out Absentia and wonder how the hell they missed it the first
time around. Make sure you see it now and not later.
Absentia is due to be released by Second Sight in the UK on
the 9th of July.
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