Mr Bricks: A Heavy Metal Murder Musical
Directed by: Travis Campbell
USA, 2011
Crime/Musical 71min
Distributed by: Troma
Musical… yeah, a musical, a heavy metal musical. I’m not
much of a fan of musicals. Sure I’ll enjoy Rocky Horror Picture Show, Tommy,
Phantom of the Opera (for it’s sheer gothic values) and even Grease because I
love fifties/sixties music. But it more or less stops there… perhaps even The Sound
of Music for it’s Nuns and Nazi angle which I definitely watch in a completely
different way than my mom, but that’s about it.
When you take a step back and look at the titles above, it
becomes apparent that they are all tied together through the horror/outsider
angle that predominates the genre films I dig too. So when I had a chance to
check out Mr Bricks – a movie that Lemmy says, “you must see this film” about –
I gave it a shot.
Mr Bricks opens with a moment of initial violence when the
namesake of the film, Mr Bricks [Tim Dax] awakes after being shot in the head
at close range. Dazed on the dirty floor of an abandoned warehouse, as blood
pulsates out of the hole in his cranium. He struggles to get up and grabs one
of the red stilettos heeled shoes lying next to the filthy matrasses next to
his bloody body. A series of black and white flashbacks recap the story so far
for us, showing Bricks and his female kidnap victim who now is nowhere to be
found. He breaks out in a song that is more or less a synopsis for the film we
are about to see – “You can’t kill me, I’ll find you again!” And so starts Mr
Bricks search for Scarlet, the woman he is so profoundly in love with that it
keeps him at arms length from the realm of death.

The narrative of Mr Bricks is an interesting one as it’s mixes
classic straightforward dialogue, backstory told through flashbacks and several
moments of hard singing to declare the emotions that the characters are feeling
at the moment – and I have to say that some of these songs are really catchy
bits. At the same time thats kinda what makes a musical a musical isn't it, sharing inner thoughts with the audience.
Bricks is driven by the Love he holds for Scarlet, the same
love that gives him the power to seal up bullet wounds with a staple gun. When
it all comes around it’s a noble cause, and in it’s own way also one that makes
Mr Bricks a rather complex lead character. He’s still a badass bad guy, but his
quest is one we can relate to – even if we perhaps wouldn’t kidnap the woman of
our dreams. It’s all about dimension kids, and without dimension in characters,
they mean nothing.
But that’s not all, there is a last act reveal, a last act
reveal that actually makes the narrative even more complex and gives a deeper,
and stranger, insight into what more drives Bricks love for Scarlett. An
insight that shakes things up a bit and may possibly be part of a set up for a
sequel or even a prequel.
Using a love triangle, not necessarily a chosen one, but
forced as we are dealing with kidnapping captivity and obsession, Mr Bricks is
much more than your average love story. I use the word love story as that’s basically
what is at the core of the film, and it’s the same love that drives Mr Bricks,
in some magical way it’s also what keeps him alive, despite close range shots
to the head, to the body and knife rammed into his tender flesh on several
occasions. From Scarlett’s perspective there’s a whole bag of emotions
concerning her feelings for Mr Bricks, especially when she learns that she’s
pregnant and has some delightful pregnancy nightmares.
The musical numbers bring something kind of unique flavour to
the piece – I seriously believe that it wouldn’t have worked at all if the
songs hadn’t been the forceful songs that they are, as the rawness f the songs
pretty much work metaphorically to describe emotional states and feelings that
you wouldn’t ever want to hear in dialogue, because a guy walking down a street
singing how angry he is or a chick singing how repulsed she is would be
completely crap in dialogue.
A detail that popped out on the second viewing was that
there’s a fucking awesome montage of Mr Bricks life passing him by just before
the bullet shatters his skull. Details like that really earn movies points in
my book.
I love the grainy gritty cinematography (I don’t know if
it’s processed, but it looks great and this is the way I think of New York when
I hear the words low budget indie cinema from the big apple. It’s no
coincidence that Buddy Giovanazzo’s Combat Shock comes to mind) I’d call it,
gritty low budget cinema with some rockin’ tracks which invite it’s audience to
sing along, and who knows, this may just be a cult classic in the making!
Coming out of Troma one could expect Mr Bricks to be more of
the novelty, schlocky, fun shit kicking kind, as something like Cannibal the
Musical was or indeed as many of the films under the Troma banner. But Mr
Bricks is a serious film, there’s no quirky comedy or fart gags, or witty
innuendo dialogue. It plays for keeps and in it’s own universe it works really
well. It won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but despite that we need films like
this, we need companies like Troma who dare give independent filmmakers a
chance to get their stuff out there, and we definitely need independent
filmmakers like Travis Campbell who dare stick to their guns and see their
dream through.
This is what independent cinema is all about, telling a
story in your own unique way, creating memorable characters, leaving an imprint
and if we get a few catchy tunes along the way, then that’s a welcome bonus!
Mr Bricks: A Heavy Metal Musical is currently available from
Troma on DVD
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