Monday, March 03, 2014

THE HUMAN CENTIPOD : Episode 11 "You have No idea what is coming!"... or Do we?

Last week the new trailer for Gareth Edwards GODZILLA movie hit the internet. My buddy Fred and I have watched and watched and watched it over and over again, and have come up with a few interesting ideas of what may be lurking in the shadows after analyzing the trailer in detail.

AND - at the end theres some information on a little competition we will be having on our face book page. Make sure to go there and like it and stay in the loop!

Enjoy the show!


chris said...

Sounds like someone's getting excited for G's return. I too have watched the trailer countless times. And earlier tonight I got to see it in glorious IMAX 3D before the Australian premier of the 300 sequel (which was surprisingly awesome, better than 300). On the biggest IMAX screen in the world, Godzilla looked magnificent. The 3D looked impressive too, considering it's a post conversion.

CiNEZiLLA said...

Oh fucking yes I am! :D

Disney Star Wars and the Kiss of Life Trope... (Spoilers!)

Here’s a first… a Star Wars post here.  So, really should be doing something much more important, but whist watching my daily dose of t...