The Batwoman
Original title: La mujer murciélago
Directed by: Rene Cardona
Mexico, 1968
Lucha Libre/Horror/Sci-Fi, 80min
Many where the collaborations between Rene Cardona and
producer, screenwriter, actor Alfredo Salazar, and many a great film did their
many collaborations birth, movies that make up the cream of the crop of Mexican
A passion for mixing and meshing luchadores and luchadoras
against any monster conceivable,
Salazar’s story for
The Batwoman basically
reuses the same plot as he’d used several times before (and would again)
- a mad scientist playing God, which becomes the enticing incident for our protagonists to get involved. Mexican
lucha libre flicks had in the last couple of years been inspired by James Bond
spy escapades and the success of
William Dozier’s Batman TV series.
Salazar had
already proven that he had quite a talent for penning movies that featured
strong female protagonists,
Las luchadoras contra el medico asesino (Doctor of Doom)
Las luchadoras contra la momia (Wrestling Woman vs. the Aztec Mummy) 1964,
La mujer murciélago and later
La horripilante bestia humana (Night of the Bloody Apes) 1969 – all directed by
Snr. All movies have in common that they lead is a strong female character,
wrestling takes place both inside and outside of the ring, and villainous
scientists with a fiendish plan to take over the world!
Oh and none of the women take any crap from
any man.

Batwoman’s alter ego is rich society chick Gloria. Gloria’s
secret is that she moonlights as a masked luchadora in the ring, but is also a renowned
secret agent who hides her identify behind the mask of Batwoman. None other
than the gorgeous
Maura Monti plays Batwoman.
Monti, another one of those
fantastic women who made something of a micro career in Mexican movies, similar
to that on
Elizabeth Campbell, starred in more than thirty films before
retiring when her husband asked her to. So even though she had a short and intensive career, the movies she left behind are great pieces of work.

A string of mysterious murders, leaving strong hefty athletes of Acapulco washed up on the shores, have the police left clueless. Detective Tony Roca [Cardona regular Armando Silvestre] has noted a series
of similar crimes in Macao and Hong-Kong. Special agent FBI Mario Robles
[Héctor Godoy] is also on the case and has brought in a secret weapon:
Batwoman! [Monti] Swanky jazz flows over the soundtrack and a lengthy introduction
to Batwoman is given showing her in various sport and physical activities such
as horseback riding, and free diving, before she’s into the ring for a few
shots of her fighting skills. Making a show stopping entrance only suitable of
a secret agent, Batwoman parachutes into town in full outfit, cape, mask, and

With Batwoman presented, it is time to introduce the antagonists. On a
boat called
Reptilicus, Mad Surgeon Dr. Williams [
Roberto Cañeda – certainly no
stranger to playing mad scientists in Mexican genre pieces] complete with loony
assistant called Igor, is busy at work trying to create a hideous Fish-Man hybrid!
Failing miserably again, he sends out his minions to kidnap yet another athlete
– because you kind of know that Dr. Williams is the murdering maniac
responsible for all those dead athletes washing up on the shore. Tricking a
wrestler known only as “Swedish” [
Manuel Cappelito] out on a fishing trip, he’s
kidnapped and strapped tightly to Dr. Williams operating table. Triumph at last
– although we never see any of the operation, we do get to see the dodgy
fish-man swimming along the ocean floor on a monitor as Dr. Williams laughs
sardonically and proclaims his experiment a success!

Gloria - Batwoman to you and me - meets up with Tony Roca and
Mario Robles who quite clumsily bring us up to speed – as if you didn’t get
what you’d seen in the last ten minutes – and after realizing that they have
come to a stand still, as prime suspect Dr. Williams, refuses to let them enter
his boat, Batwoman has to don the mask and sneak onto the aquatic laboratory!
Sneaking around the place, she just about discovers Dr. Williams’s secret lab
and sees what she think might be a Fish-Man hybrid before she’s discovered. Is
the end nigh? No my friends this is merely the end of act one, as Batwoman
grabs a jug of acid and splashes it across Dr. Williams face and makes her
escape as he, bleeding and in pain from his melting face, commands his men to catch
her at any cost, she will be his piece de resistance – Fish Woman!

As far as the art of storytelling goes,
The Batwoman is something
of a delightful mess. It’s terribly straightforward and there’s never really
any mystery, as we know from the start whom the villain is, and what his
fiendish plan is. But at the end of the day, it’s not really the depth of the
story you are here for – albeit extremely psychotronic indeed – you are here
for the wild ride, the amazing fish-man experiments, the fiendish villains, the
car chases, the quirky surf rock soundtrack and for
Maura Monti!
Halfway in, Fish-Man finally makes his appearance, and it’s
almost a cheap kaiju feeling to his presence, but by gosh does the action pick
up, Fish-man fighting Batwoman underwater is fascinating and certainly rings
Creature from the Black Lagoon. He may not have received the credit he was due, but Alfonso Bárcenas
Fish-Man is rad, and without any doubt the centrepiece of the movie, along side
Monti’s swanky Batwoman that is!
As the climax approaches, Roca, Robles and Batwoman
all find themselves captured by Dr. Williams who seems to be getting away with
his plan of using Batwoman to create a better Fish-human hybrid, and you’ll
never guess who comes to the rescue...
The Batwoman is a butt-kicking funfest filled with some
really fantastic moments of
Salazar/Cardona madness. Swinging surf music,
swirly scene transitions, speedy car chases, underwater action and loads of
cheesy fights! Although I’m not sure that it’s
Monti in the Batwoman suit
during the actual Luchadora sequences, as body shape somewhat changes!
Monti totally
rocks the as the suave, sexy, tongue in cheek, ass whipping Batwoman, and she
most certainly is one of
Salazar’s strong female characters, although one odd
detail closes the movie. A last minute gag, perhaps included to assure the male
audience that they still had the upper hand, a sign that Batwoman has her
weakness too… In the vein of classic horror, going for one last shock,
Cardona go for one last kick as Gloria (Batwoman out of suit) leisurely
stands at a bar taking in a drink with the two leading men as they celebrate
their victory (as in the male detectives, not Batwoman’s as they still don’t
know Gloria is Batwoman) and suddenly Gloria belts out a high pitched scream
queen scream at something off screen… you may think it’s Fish-Man coming for
one last attack, but you are wrong. It’s a mouse. Contradicting everything that
Salazar has built up with the strong female character, Gloria is in that last
scene, reduced to nothing but a stereotypical woman, weak, needing the help of
strong men, and terrified of mice.
chose to read it as Gloria staying in character, sticking to the façade of her
alternative persona, keeping the men in the dark, that underneath all that
hair, makeup and chic designer dresses, she is

The Batwoman is top-notch Mexican psychotronica! A must for fans of hot chicks
kicking ass, rubber-suited monster men and lucha libre! All hail Alfredo
Salazar and Rene Cardona and the cinematic legacy they left behind for fans of
wild and crazy cinema. Viva!