Faces of Death
Directed by: Conan le Cilaire
USA, 1978
Mondo/Shockumentary, 105min
Say Faces of Death, and genre fans will either crack out
a disturbing smile, or reach for a bucket to chuck up into. The notorious badass
movie spawned out of the Italian Mondo Cane films (and the genre they created),
and a definite kick-start of even viler stuff to come. Faces of Death stood out
as a ritualistic ordeal for friends and admirers of extreme cinema. When
talking gross out factor and cringing realism, Faces of Death was always one
title that could be topic for discussion.
The first time I saw Faces of Death was probably in the early
nineties when I was working in an underground video store that specialized in
finding uncut versions of genre film. You could say that that’s where I
educated myself on genre cinema, and gorged my brain with all the fantastic
stuff I’d only ever read about previously. There was always something inexplicably
captivating with Mondo flicks back in the day, and to see how television has
changed these past decades, it’s easy to see that what we where spellbound and
blown away by back then is standard procedure today.
With access to Dutch, Greek, Japanese and other tapes from
god know where, there was no limit to the movie marathons soaking up obscure,
wild, bizarre and fascinating films. In it’s big bulky Dutch VHS case with that
infamous electrocution image, Faces of Death was something of a cornerstone, a bad
boy renown for its cold approach to its subject matter, and an authenticity brought
to the piece by Dr. Francis B. Gröss. Sure I always presumed that he was a fake, but at
the same time, without Internet or fast ways of checking facts, who really knew
if Gröss was real or not. Because none of us bothered or had copies crisp
enough to see that Michael Carr actually is credited as Dr. Francis B. Gröss at
the end of the credits

Tearing off with some very sensational stock footage of an authentic
open-heart surgery, the film breathes realism into the opening of the film.
It’s followed up with genuine shots of corpses and a real autopsy that was used
to secure financers that the filmmakers really could pull off a shocking
documentary that studied death in a serious – but totally exploitative way. But
it’s all a cunning and manipulative trick to set us up for the introduction of Carr’s
Dr. Francis B. Gröss (name pun anyone!). Dr. Gröss steps out of what
we presume is the operating room or autopsy room we just saw the extreme
material taking place in. Much like the way Ruggero Deodato would set us up
with the faux documentary material two years later with Cannibal Holocaust, Le Cilaire
set’s us up with this authentic material which makes us eat up all the horror
to come as the gullible fools we have been manipulated into.
Faces of Death slowly works its way through its footage,
starting out with the authentic human ends via animal deaths – slaughter houses
– before working their movie making magic. Sure, sitting through footage of dogfights, animal slaughters,
the consuming of monkey brains after smashing open its head, autopsies,
open-heart surgery does become quite heavy after a while. But it’s not until a half hour in when the
first human death hit’s the screen, and without calling each scene classic –
which they are – a sheriff is savaged by a stray crocodile he’s trying to rope
in. Faces of Death chugs on wrapping bogus scenes with genuine autopsies, fake
death cults, real snake charmers, idiots get to close to wild bears, set themselves
on fire, and towards he end we even get cheesy proof of life after death… It’s
a gallery of macabre and morbid moments, but at the same time almost impossible
to stop watching, as Gröss guides us through the many faces of death he has
taken to study during the years. Much like the nihilistic films of today that
stick a quirky tune in the end credits to kind of wink at the joke of their
dark movie, Faces of Death also desperately tries to stick a consoling or even redeeming
finale to their movie, as a woman gives birth to new life. The cycle is
complete and we have journeyed from death to life. Although, ironically the childbirth
is the least graphic moment in this film as nudity was still a sensitive area
in Japan at the time.
More than thirty years on, Faces of Death is still a fascinating film, totally
exploitative, totally disturbing, but still a totally magnificent piece of
tomfoolery and a well crafted horror show. Watching it in HD on BluRay is
almost perverse compared to the first time viewing it on shoddy VHS tape with
tracking issues colour dropouts and video static. The images are totally lifted out of any dupe
distortion, and VHS interference and presented in splendid new re-mastered
clarity. Gorgon has really done a great job, but relieving this film of its
crummy protective veil of old-school interference only serves to lift forth the
flaws in clear daylight. For the time it was made, it is still pretty great
stuff, but with the insight we have into movie making magic these days –
special effects even have their own reality game shows now – some of the scenes
do stick out as the simple effect shots they are. I never really reacted to the
crap acting as much as I did this time. Perhaps the novelty has worn off and as
a cynical adult I don’t fall for the old tricks as I used to.
It strikes me what a splendid craftsmanship has gone into
the editing of Faces of Death as none of the footage is in raw shape (You would never edit real snuff!). Juxtaposition is often off kilter but sill effective in its
own way, and the choice of music is at times only adding it on when comedic
music almost mocks the terrible fates edited together. In 1999 – after directing
whopping six sequels to the initial instalment - Cilaire directed Faces of
Death: Fact of Fiction? where he partially reveals some of the fake material,
but also declared that certain re-enacted material was authentic. A cunning lie to deceive
fans and keep the myth and mysticism of the films alive. I don’t know how much use
the somewhat vague investigation plot is – as that’s what Dr. Gröss is
retelling us, his study and investigation into death. His conclusion is harsh
and gloomy when he concludes that the movie proves that we are not as
intelligent as we think we are. A rather cunning line when one stops to think
about all the times we spent discussing what “had” to be real and not…
Originally made for the Japanese market (just like Sheldon
Renan & Leonard Schrader’s Killing of America, a movie that showed the
Zapruder film eons before Oliver Stone used it in JFK) Conan le Cilaire, the chosen pseudonym for creator John Alan Schwartz, was
approached with the question of making a shockumentary feature where nature and
it’s many deaths where in focus. Quite a logic way to go considering the amount
of nature footage Schwartz had due to the nature film archive he had access
to. Although wanting to do something outside of the animal kingdom, Schwartz
and his minimal crew came up with the idea of taking a human approach to it
instead. So they documented an authentic autopsy, and when they showed what
they could come up with instead of animal carnage, the investors cried tears of
exploitation gold. With the sensitive topic on display and raw violence of the
film, almost everyone associated with the piece hid themselves behind pseudonyms
as to keep a safe distance to the crude footage used and shot for the film.
Faces of Death
is said to have out grossed Star Wars in Japan, but back in the states
it failed miserably upon its theatrical release (in the States) by Aquarius in
1981. A failure that would change forever when it later became accessible on Videotape
and firmly took its place in cineastes universe. Only time will tell what, if
any, importance Faces of Death will hold in the history of genre, but one thing
is certain, Faces of Death, real or not, still is a distressing piece of genre

If for nothing else, Faces of Death is worth revisiting just
to hear the commentary and enjoy the documentaries on this landmark of extreme
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