Directed by: Bruce LaBruce
Canada/Germany, 2009
Horror/Comedy/Drama 94min
My first encounter with the work of Bruce LaBruce was back
in the early nineties. I was working in a video store in the middle of the
trendy part of South Stockholm. The aim of the store was to make sure that the
films the Swedish video stores didn’t supply, such as the works of Fellini,
Bergman, Buñuel, Truffaut, Godard, Kurosawa and so on, where available to our
customers. But apart from the high end of the backbone of cinema, we also
stocked alternative stuff like the ballistic ballets and period pieces of
Hong-Kong cinema, South Korean stuff, Russian cinema, documentaries on film and
music etc. I brought a whole bunch of alternative horror with me, and created
an Italian section. We had a decent selection of classic midnight movies and so
on The basic philosophy was pretty much, to stock stuff customers couldn’t see
anywhere else, hence. In other words a well sorted oasis for cinema enthusiasts. Also we where undoubtedly the first shop in
Stockholm to have a special section dedicated to movies with gay themes! From
those shelves I first made contact with pinku legend Hisayasu Sato (Kurutta Butokai, Muscle, 1989), Curt McDowell, George Kuchar (Thundercrack 1975) James
Bidgod (Pink Narcissus 1971) and Derek Jarman (Pick one!). Yeah, open minded, but I also thrived
on taunting young lads who came in at the last minute on Friday nights to rent
The A to Z of Lesbian Love, asking them if they really where lesbians? At times working that
video store was like being in Kevin Smith’s Clerks 1994. But that store also
introduced me to Bruce LaBruce’s short films and that’s where I fist saw No
Skin Off My Ass.
In short, No Skin Off My Ass 1991, tells the tale of a
hairdresser [Bruce LaBruce himself] who one day get’s fed up of the harassment
he get’s from the neighborhood skinheads. He kidnaps one of the skinheads
[Klaus von Buecker] and locks him in his flat where he slowly but surely starts
to torment, taunt and break in the Skinhead, until he ultimately converts him
to a homosexual. This is a brilliant short, and a definite provocation, which I
love. Yes, it’s a gay themed, gritty little exploitation flick, and that’s the
key to my appreciation of LaBruce’s work. The photography LaBruce shoots is
also very gritty, explicit and at the same time exploitative and curiously erotic – the vision I
want to burn into your heads is a leg amputee wearing a gasmask, nursing a
gigantic boner… Yes, strange and provocative, but hell, isn’t that why we seek out these
damned movies? You see, I will always associate Bruce LaBruce with tapping into
the exact same themes that I enjoy in the movies I write about here. Bruce
LaBruce is a living legend in my book.
So when a couple of mates invited me to a screening
of Otto: or Up with Dead People for their very innovative Gay Horror Themed
Film Nights, the choice was easy, I had to go.
In a nutshell the movie goes something like this: Otto [Jey
Crisfar] returns from the dead, to seek something, it’s unclear from a start
what it is, but that’s what drives part of the narrative forth - his search. Sub-plots
in the form of independent filmmaker Medea Yarn [Katharina Klewinghaus] who
casts him in her new movie Up with Dead People a gay themed horror film with a
revolutionist undertone, and the state of the nation are also used to create a
world going to hell… or was it all just a movie?
I really like the way LaBruce has crafted this film. At
times he’s playing with genre and warping things around on their ass with a Meta
critique approach to indie filmmaking. Borders between filmmaking and reality
are blurred and the struggle for acceptance, art and independence are told
through a zombie metaphor. There are several conventional zombie genre moments,
and a few scenes that I’m certain are nods to classic films in the genre.
Symbolically this is a wonderland of metaphors, screw Bryan
Singer’s “gay people are mutants” subtext in the X-Men movies; this is where
it’s at. Poking fun at the way mankind acknowledged AIDS and HIV, deeming it
the Gay Plague, the zombies in LaBruce’s universe have evolved into gay
zombies, and they beat the crap out of common man and his regular zombie.
I obvious read the outsider/Zombie characters, as metaphors
for gay people still not really being accepted in society – which is fucking
unbelievable in 2012! I still find myself being shocked when I read and hear about
hate crimes against gay people! Have we come nowhere since Nazi Germany? Otto
is an outsider, and wherever he goes he’s never really taken in, accepted for
what he is. Even his co-actors and director taunt him because he “thinks” he a
zombie… or even worse a “gay zombie”. See, there’s even a pecking order in the
gay universe, and what is so great is that the gay zombies are an evolved form
of zombies that have come to plague mankind… talk about taking prejudice and running
with it. I love it.
There’s a great detail in Otto; or, Up with Dead People that I chose to see as proof that this
isn’t just a movie slapped together to flag gay themes and values. I spotted a
detail which gave me a rush of insight, and nailed my determination that this
is an intelligent movie. There’s a kind of subplot concerning the question if
Otto really is a zombie or not, a philosophical question which indicates that
there might not even be zombies in the world outside of Medea’s movie. If you
watch closely during Otto and Fritz Fritze’s [Marcel Schlutt] carnal encounter
at the end of the movie, you will see that the white contacts used to give Otto
that “dead” look are missing. Instead his eyes are filled with life for he
first time, and perhaps it’s the result of being desired, loved and needed, his
raison d'etre if you like, that brings life to his gaze. Being loved is what
separates us from the Zombies, and when Otto finds love, his humanity comes
shining through. Everyone want’s to be loved.
What about gore then? You can’t have a zombie flick without
gore… LaBruce know this and uses classic gut munching moments and bite effects
to bring the goo. There’s some great moments such as when Otto finds himself in the
bedroom of someone who has picked him up for sex, and a fast edit later Otto
sits with the same blatant stare, whilst the date lies spread out all over the
room as his blood and intestines slide down the walls… and the magnum opus of
this film, well it actually only a short scene, but still a magic moment, which I’m still shocked that exploitation fans haven’t discovered –
one of the gay zombies, attacks his not yet turned boyfriend, devours his
intestines and then finally fucks the stomach cavity! A jaw-dropping scene that
made me laugh out loud!
I love movies with a destination, and Otto’s destination is
the search for the "thing" he has lost. LaBruce delivers flashbacks to a
“happier” life throughout the narrative as Otto starts to figure out why he’s
come back. That’s where this movie manages to stay away from cliché, as the
meeting Otto has been yearning for doesn’t come to the fruition that he
visualizes. Instead it takes a sharp turn and Otto has to fulfil his journey by
taking a different path. Hence resulting in a rather sad, but optimistic open ending to a
rather fun and quirky story which suddenly took a dark spin. To top it
all off, LaBruce builds to a really shocking and fucking heart-breaking semi ending – with a
twist – that really shook me up.
Details that are really fun and bring something new to the
table can be found in the original character Hella Bent, [Susanne Schaße] who
lives in a silent movie. Yes, a silent movie, and each time she’s on screen
it’s in black and white, with scratches, out of tune piano, and dialogue
written on text cards. It’s a hilarious gimmick, which LaBruce sticks to
faithfully throughout the film. The strong emotions of finally finding his goal
and the meeting not being a fulfilling as he has dreamed of, and the drive
forth as he takes off in search of true love is kind of heart-breaking, and
epithetical. Also I really like the paradox that Otto can’t eat meat due to his
search for his goal. His hunger for love has him loose all appetite, something
that an audience can have an emotional recognition with, because we’ve all been
there at one point of our lives.
You don’t need to be homosexual to relate to Otto – come on,
you’ve seen enough tit’s, muff and ass trough the years, so a dick or two (or more) won’t kill you - because, I’m certain that anyone who knows
how to enjoy a good movie, can have an emotional recognition with Otto as he
searches for his reason to return to the land of the walking. Otto; or, Up with Dead People is a sensitive movie, a fun movie, a provocative movie, and I’m surprised that more genre fans haven’t located the film as it does have some really great moments of weird shit. But look beyond the cock-sucking, male smooching, bite hole fucking and enjoy a good campy horror movie. I always come
back to the simple fact that it’s all in the story, and the characters. It’s all in the story and characters.
LaBruce followed this one with a full-fledged zombie porn
called L.A. Zombie 2010, which along with Otto; or, Up with Dead People, is scheduled to be released by NjutaFilms here in
Otto; or, Up with Dead People a magnificent genre-bender with zombies,
heart, balls and cocks! Do yourself a favour and check this film out as soon as
possible it may just open up your mind?
1 comment:
I had forgotten about this one. Thanks for the reminder.
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