The Burning Moon [QuickFix]
Directed by: Olaf Ittenbach
Germany, 1992
Horror/Splatter, 86min

Homemade effects are fun. Naïve and enthusiastic and way to
exaggerated, watching low budget flicks with cgi’ed blood and splatter isn’t the
same thing. Ittenbach was at an early stage in his career here, but it’s
already very clear where he’s going to go with his fantastic effects. These
early movies are merely appetizers for the gore fests to come, and for each
film his skills improved. That not saying that these effects don’t get the job
done, the last ten minutes are one goddamned insane gorefest that pus a lot of
others to shame, and Ittenbach’s past as a dental technician comes in handy
when one devastating scene in graphic detail shows a drill splintering it’s way
through teeth, sending pieces flying in all over the place.
Anthology films are coming into craze again, what with Little Deaths, The ABC’s of Death, The Profane Exhibition and on and on and on… So making your own way back in 92 is a pretty ballsy thing to do in my book. Especially as it’s your second real movie you ever made! Both films have childhood traumas as origin stories to both killers’ rampages. Which is interesting as I find a lot of German filmmakers look to the past scars for inspiration, despite genre they are working in. It’ kind of hangs to together with the melancholic angst of early Wim Wenders, Werner Herzog, Rainer Werner Fassbinder. History comes back to haunt you.
There’s a fun moment when a victim to be is watching TV and Ittenbach’s
previous, and first film Black Past 1989 is on the television. The victim to be, switches channel and says that nothing but shit on the tube. Julia [Beate Neumeyer] hides from
her psychopath boyfriend behind a bathroom door, which Chris [Helmut Neumeyer] blatantly points
out to her is a glass door. Another scene shows a cutaway of a blood splat over
a leather-studded codpiece. In the movies
wraparound that odd German humour and dark nihilism I’ve earlier claimed to be
a trait, radiates from Ittenbach’s The Burning Moon. Check out the Necronos: Tower of Doom piece for more on those traits.

Here's a wonderfully dorky US trailer. Enjoy.
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